Legal Register
Subscription to InfoSec Legislation provides organisations with the ability to:
- Identify the compliance obligations that are relevant to their business
- Access relevant information security legislation
- Document how these compliance obligations apply to their business
- Demonstrate how they keep up to date with changes to these compliance obligations
- Record documented information as evidence of ongoing compliance evaluations
- Record identified information security risks and opportunities associated with their compliance obligations
- Maintain knowledge and understanding of their compliance status
- Link compliance obligations to relevant information security objectives
All of which are required elements of an effective information security management system, satisfying the compliance requirements of ISO27001
Our information security legal and other requirements register includes:
- The ability to create bespoke legal registers containing the identified legislation that is relevant to your organisation’s activities
- Plain English summaries for all relevant legislation
- Regular legal content updates including new and amended legislation, which is automatically updated to your legal register
- A quarterly newsletter, emailed to nominated personnel and containing information on new and amended legislation, together with related information security news, guidance, prosecutions and commentary
- The ability to document compliance comments against individual pieces of legislation and upload related documents, creating an audit trail for the evaluation of legal compliance
- The ability to add non-statutory compliance obligations to your legal and other requirements register
- Support for legal compliance and / or technical enquiries